Managing a playlist

In this help article, we'll explain how to manage a playlist in Radio Cult.

The following actions can be performed on any existing playlist:

  1. Adding media to the playlist (for detailed steps on this process, refer to this help article),
  2. Removing media from a playlist (for a complete explanation on this, refer to this help article),
  3. Reordering a playlist's media (for a full description on this functionality, refer to this help article),
  4. Setting the playlist as your station's default (for an explainer on the default playlist functionality and how to set a playlist to be your station's default, refer to this help article),
  5. Editing the playlist's name (to learn how to do this, keep reading this help article),
  6. Modifying the playlist's play order (for more information on this, continue on with this help article), and
  7. Deleting the playlist (to find out how to do this, read on with this help article).

To learn how to create a new playlist, please refer to this help article.

Navigating to playlists

To manage a playlist first you need to navigate to the Playlists page.

The playlists page

To navigate to the Playlists page:

  1. Click the Media option in the top navigation bar, and
  2. Then click the Playlists option, which is contained in the left hand side menu.

Selecting a playlist

To properly manage a playlist, you'll need to search and select the relevant playlist beforehand.

Searching for the relevant playlist

To search for a playlist, please complete the following steps:

The playlists table with the search input highlighted
  1. Click the Search input positioned at the top left of Playlists page, and
  2. Type your search value into the input. The Playlists table will then display any playlists that match your search value. Please note: the search functionality only considers a playlist name when evaluating the playlists to be included in the search results.

Selecting the relevant playlist

Once you've identified the relevant playlist either through the search functionality described above or manually navigating through the Playlists table, you'll need to select the relevant playlist. To do so, please complete the following steps:

The playlists table with the selected playlist highlighted
  1. Identify the relevant playlist within the Playlists table, and
  2. Click the row the relevant playlist corresponds to. The side drawer for the playlist will appear on the right hand side of your screen.

You're now ready to manage the selected playlist.

Editing the playlist's name

To edit a playlist's name, please complete the following steps:

The selected playlist side drawer displayed with the playlist name input highlighted
  1. Click the Playlist name input positioned at the top of the playlist side drawer. An editable text input will be displayed,
  2. Type the desired new name for the playlist into the input, and
  3. Then click the Confirm (tick icon) button.

The playlist's name will now be edited.

Modifying the playlist's play order

A playlist's media when broadcasted from your streaming server can be played in two different ways:

  1. In order: the playlist's media will be played in consecutive order based on how they are ordered within the playlist side drawer. So the piece of media in row one (of the playlist side drawer table) will play first, the piece of media in row two will play second and so on.
  2. Shuffled: the playlist's media will be played in 'random' order. It is not truly random however. Your streaming server when selecting the next piece of media to play is biased to selecting media that hasn't been played recently.

To modify a playlist's player order, please click the button highlighted in the below screenshot to toggle the play order either from in order to shuffled or shuffled to in order.

The selected playlist side drawer with the play order button highlighted

Deleting the playlist

To delete a playlist, please complete the following steps:

The playlists table with the actions and delete buttons highlighted
  1. Identify the relevant playlist within the Playlists table, and
  2. Hover your mouse over the table row the relevant playlist corresponds to and click the Actions (...) button (the button is positioned in the table column closest to the right hand side of your screen). The Actions drop down menu will appear.
  3. Click the Delete button. The Confirmation window will appear.
  4. Click the Delete playlist button.

The playlist will now be deleted.

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